Thursday, April 30, 2020

SEO title Taoism vs Buddhism - differences betwee Essays - Religion

SEO title: Taoism vs Buddhism - differences between Taoism and Buddhism H1: M ain facts about Taoism Taoism originated in Zhou China almost at the same time as the teaching of Confucius (6-5 centuries BC) in the form of an independent philosophical doctrine. The founder of Taoism is Laozi. His biography is connected with a number of legends, stories and a general halo of mysticism because there is no reliable historical and biographical information about him. But still, he is considered as the creator of the book Tao Te Ching (Book of the Way and its manifestations), created in the V - IV centuries. BC. e. - the main work, which provides the basic postulates, concepts, observations, mixed with fabulous digressions. A Taoism basic beliefof the doctrine is the concept of Tao, a comprehensive law, the Absolute. Tao - continuous movement, space, being, unity. Tao regulates the struggle of 2 cosmic opposites - the forces of Yin and Yang. It is simultaneously in a state o f motion and rest. The concept of Taoism is the observance of several dogmas, one of which is Non-intervention (the Wu Wei principle). A true Taoist will not waste his/her time and energy on good deeds and meaningless attempts to change the world. The ultimate goal is to know it, to merge into one, and then there will be happiness, which is identical to immortality. For this, it is necessary to observe a number of rules that relate to the nutrition of the body and the nutrition of the spirit, and also to observe the concept of non-action, in order to harmonize the work of the soul and the physical component of a person. The work of the spirit is the feeding of higher forces, which lead to good and bad deeds. So, for example, if a person feeds demons, then he moves away from the Tao, and his soul weakens. And if he feeds the spirits with his good deeds, then his/ her soul becomes stronger, and he approaches the Absolute. Therefore, it is important to do only good deeds, b e pure in thoughts, intentions. The work of the body is the observance of a special diet, which consists of the almost total refusal of physical food. By constant physical training, a person must bring his body to full control of reason and learn to eat his/ her own saliva and dew herbs and flowers, breathing exercises, physical and internal practices. It is believed that the teaching of the Tao helps to understand the followers of their purpose, teaches us to distinguish between good and bad, to understand the secrets of the world order, to live in harmony with our own microcosm and the macrocosm, the world inside and with nature. H2: A Brief Introduction to Buddhism Buddhism is the earliest appearance of three world religions. Other common religions - Christianity and Islam - appeared later (5 and 12 centuries later). The founder of the Buddhist teaching is a real person, named Siddhartha Gautama, known as a prince of the Shakyas, who became a path of trial, er ror, wandering, and, after all, meditation, the Buddha - the Awakened One. The central concept is Dharma, which embodies the Buddha's teaching, the truth, the path that every Buddhist must pass. One of the main goals of Buddhism is the path to nirvana. Nirvana is a state of awareness of one's own soul, achieved through self-denial, a rejection of the comfortable conditions of the external environment. Buddha, having spent a long time in meditations and deep reflections, mastered the method of control over one's own consciousness. In the process, he came to the conclusion that people are very attached to worldly goods, overly worried about the opinions of others. Because of this, the human soul not only does not develop but also degenerates. Having attained nirvana, you can lose this dependence. Therefore, the main goal of the disciples is to attain the state of the Buddha, full awakening, enlightenment, which will allow them to leave the cycle of permanent rebirths, break the circle of samsara and thereby stop suffering. Many people are attracted to Buddhism by the fact that they do not require a radical change in their

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